
Atlantis® OD 420

Now as FLUID POWER herbicide.

Atlantis OD is a leading herbicide from Bayer CropScience for controlling all relevant grass weed and key dicots in wheat. It comes in the form of the novel and easy to use ODesi® liquid formulation offering high flexibility in managing different grass weeds or mixed infestations while the crop is safe due to the safener technology included.Atlantis® OD is offered with a formulation technology that truly is a new dimension in herbicide(better retention, better spreading, better uptake and lower water volumes)

Distributor: Future Development Company


Key Indicators

  • Some broad-leaved weeds such as Chenopodium sp, Malva sp, Sonchus oleraceus, Amaranthus sp.
  • Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and other narrow leaves weeds such as Phalaris sp, Avena spp

Mode of Action

  • Mesosulfuron, Iodosulfuron is a sulfonyl urea herbicide , which are ALS inhibitors and have fully systemic activity on the target weeds – via both foliage & soil.
  • The safener acts as a catalyst, specifically promoting the degradation of mesosulfuron and iodosulfuron in the cereal crop.
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